Friday, June 30, 2006
I took Maggie to the doctors today. She weighs just over 15lbs and is 26 1/2 inches long. She is tall and skinny. Unfortunately, they had to give her more shots, so she is now fussy and tired. She has been sleeping or crying with a little bit of laughing and playing thrown in because she is such a happy baby that she can't help it! We will be going up to my parents house shortly. I'm sure pictures and more commments will be up shortly. Maybe not until we get back on Sunday though. Talk to ya'll soon!
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Maggie likes peas, yeah! Too bad they aren't really a vegetable. I gave them to her frozen today and that seemed to help with her irritability from teething. It was nice to have some relief from her crying for at least a little while. I got very frustrated today. I feel terrible, but I just wanted some time away, but it doesn't look like that is going to happen any time soon. Twenty minutes seems to be the limit of away time. I would love a "girls night out" without any kids around. Sigh. I love Maggie terribly much, but sometimes you need a break. Wow, this really went off on a tangent from how I started. I guess that is where I am at right now. Hopefully spending the weekend with my parents will be a good change of scenery for us. Maybe I'll even get to take a bath, that would be nice. I guess I'll sign off for now. I have been trying, unsucessfully, to get to sleep. I thought maybe if I wrote a blog entry it would help.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Now that Maggie is rolling and moving and scootching and pretty much crawling it is near impossible to get her to settle down and eat at night. She has started doing this thing where she rolls away from me, then crawls over and tries to eat standing on her hands and knees. This is Maggie's version of a ridiculus feeding. Esme, Maggie's cousin, used to look all around and move like crazy during feedings and they would follow her around with the bottle. The term "ridiculus feeding" came from her. See it for youself!
Also, I am pretty sure Maggie's other lower incisor broke through today. I can feel it! Wow, she is growing up fast.
Also, I am pretty sure Maggie's other lower incisor broke through today. I can feel it! Wow, she is growing up fast.

While we were cleaning I sorted

Monday, June 26, 2006
This ebay thing has really distracted me from the blog. I'm excited to start getting my products going, but I need to get some sleep and I need to keep up with the rest of my life. So far it doesn't look like buying at yard sales and selling on ebay is going to work too well. I may have made $30 this month for about 100 hours worth of work (rough guesstimate, but probably close to the truth). I could go yard saling and see if I find anything really worth it, but I have been way under charging on the shipping. That makes it hard to make any money. I need a scale. I need to only buy items that will sell for at least twice what I paid for them, and more than $10. Anything less and the fees eat up all the profit. Anywho, this has nothing to do with Maggie... so I'll sign off on this one and start a new post.
Friday, June 23, 2006
At this point, I think it's a concensus, I need to add baby dresses to my JoshBearBabyChic line. The tank top that Maggie had to borrow was such a hit, we need to find good material and come up with a pattern. I hope that appropriate material comes in cool patterns, or at least non-pastel colors. I will not have pastels among the baby stuff I sell! I can't wait to go live with the line. I think that I have decided that I want to sell my items in an Ebay store to begin with, as well as locally, and go from there! Any suggestions?
Thursday, June 22, 2006

I know this story has nothing to do with Maggie, but I have to share it. Yesterday we went back to Faye's house beacause I forgot some beads that I wanted to use there. While I was there, Matt came up to walk her dogs. He said to me, "You need to move your car, you backed up over the garden." I thought, how is that possible? I didn't back the car at all. I went outside to discover that my car had rolled for the parking space that it was in back over their lawn and smack dab in between two trees, with inches on either side! What Matt hadn't noticed was that one of my mirrors, driver side of course, was hanging off the car. I tried to drive the car out with no success. It had sunk into the bed of fallen leaves that was covering the ground. Then, Matt and I tried to push while Faye steered and had absolutely no luck. So, we had to call AAA to get towed out of the woods. When the tow truck man got there he found that there was a rock underneath my gear shift and we were very lucky that I hadn't scraped the bottom of my car across it. (Oh, there was also a tree a couple inches behind the car that I was lucky enough not to have backed into, the leaves stopped the car just short of it.) He was able to lift the car and get it out, but he had to rip my mirror the rest of the way off. It was quite an adventure, and quite a scare, but my mirror was the only casualty, there wasn't even a new scrape!
Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Monday, June 19, 2006

Sunday, June 18, 2006
Going to the flea market was not a good idea. There wasn't really anything there worth buying and it was soooooo hot today. A lot of the vendors were packing their stuff up and leaving because they couldn't stand the heat anymore. I got a few things, but nothing worth an hour in the car and walking around in that unbearable heat. Poor Maggie was in her black stroller. Her back was soaked in sweat when we took her out. Matt had the great idea to soak her hat in the water we, luckily, had thought to bring with us.
Then we went to Curtis' bbq for lunch, that was good. It's world famous and I can see why, you don't find bbq like that anywhere else around here, so people from this area love the novelty, and people from where the taste is from love a taste of home. If you haven't tried it you really should.
Nothing much more to report right now, just more fussiness over her tooth, but not as much as before. She's a real trooper, and there is always a smile waiting whether or not she's upset!
Then we went to Curtis' bbq for lunch, that was good. It's world famous and I can see why, you don't find bbq like that anywhere else around here, so people from this area love the novelty, and people from where the taste is from love a taste of home. If you haven't tried it you really should.
Nothing much more to report right now, just more fussiness over her tooth, but not as much as before. She's a real trooper, and there is always a smile waiting whether or not she's upset!
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Maggie "let me know" today. I wish that I figured it out sooner. She was fussy for awhile, I tried to feed her and she kept coming off, but I knew that she was hungry since it had been awhile since she had eaten. I gave up and went out and she screamed almost the entire ride home. When we got home I fed her, she fell asleep, I tried to set her in her crib, she woke up. (Repeat again with other side.) So I said, "hmm...." and tried rice cereal. She ate all that I made. Then, I mashed up a banana and she ate all but two bites before turning away. She must have eaten 4 or 5 tablespoons of food! Then, she ate more milk before falling asleep for the night at 8:30, she woke up at 9:30 for a bit, but went back to sleep quickly.
She may also have been fussy since we had a big day. We started going to yard sales at 8:00 and took a few breaks, but didn't finish until around 3 or so. I should have a bunch of stuff on ebay soon, check it out! If anyone is looking for something, let me know and I will try to find it for you while I'm out. Tommorow we are going to a flea market, maybe...
She may also have been fussy since we had a big day. We started going to yard sales at 8:00 and took a few breaks, but didn't finish until around 3 or so. I should have a bunch of stuff on ebay soon, check it out! If anyone is looking for something, let me know and I will try to find it for you while I'm out. Tommorow we are going to a flea market, maybe...
Today is the first day of yard saling (sp?) to resell on ebay in order to make money to support staying at home with my little girl! Why don't you check out all the items I'm selling? Any purchases will help to support a good cause, and you might get a great deal!
My loverly sister-in-law Rebecca told me that if you sign up for the free samples at the Dover Books site they will send you emails so that you can print up fun things like pages from coloring books. I signed up now so that I will have a nice stack by the time Maggie reaches coloring age!
Friday, June 16, 2006
Maggie got her lower left central incisor today! She was chewing on my finger instead of eating like she was supposed to be and I felt it. I tried to take a picture, but the flash made it too blurry and bright and without a flash it was all shadow.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

One thing that I hear myself saying a lot is "With the next baby I'm going to...". I thought that I would record a few of those thoughts here for prosperity. Warning: I may add more as I go along.
... give a bottle daily starting at three weeks so Matt can feed the baby and I can get out of the house."
... schedule the baby to avoid 11 o' clock bedtimes and snacking all day."
... hmmm... maybe those are the only two I say... I just say them a lot. If I think of more I'll let you know.
... give a bottle daily starting at three weeks so Matt can feed the baby and I can get out of the house."
... schedule the baby to avoid 11 o' clock bedtimes and snacking all day."
... hmmm... maybe those are the only two I say... I just say them a lot. If I think of more I'll let you know.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Wow, what a grimace. I wish that I had a picture. I tried to give Maggie green beans from the food mill that was gifted to us today. She took a couple spoonfuls before refusing altogether. So, I tricked her by giving her every other spoonful applesauce/greenbeans but she was only fooled a couple times before the crying kicked in. After a few more spoonfuls of applesauce she wanted nothing but boob and promptly fell asleep. Maybe I'll try peas first, or maybe I'll try greenbeans again when she's not tired. Course, it's so hard to tell.
Daddy's Dandys

Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Just so you know, I changed the settings so that anyone can comment. You don't have to be a member or have an account.
So, I'm not really sure how to go about transitioning from breast milk to solids. I've heard that "the baby will let you know". As of yet I don't know what that means. Maggie seems to like solids, but I don't know if she'll ever refuse to nurse. I'll let you know if I figure this one out later.
Monday, June 12, 2006
The car trip to New Jersey worked out pretty well. We left at 5:24, and Maggie slept (mostly) until we reached Hartford and stopped at my brother Steven's house for breakfast. (BTW, Steven is Maggie's godfather.) The rest of the way went smoothly with company for Maggie in the backseat and plenty of toys to keep her company! We reached my Aunt Susan and Terry's house around 11:30ish. This left us enough time to get settled and have a few bites to eat to tide us over until the party. At this party Maggie was not the center of attention as there were almost 100 people there! Many of the people had kids, and I'm pretty sure Maggie was the youngest, but certainly not the only one getting attention. Mikelle and Kevin's house (my cousin and her husband who were hosting the party) is set up for kids to have tons of fun. I can't wait to go back
there when Maggie can play with their toys. They have a swing set, a plastic castle, a blow up jumper (seen with Esme in it to the left) and a huge backyard. Even though there were almost 100 people there, it didn't seem crowded since there was so much room. Maggie was the hit of the party for a few of the people attending. My grandmother, on my father's side, was there and
was very anxious to finally get to meet Maggie. They happened to match! Also there was my dad's cousins Carol and Jack, my cousin Scott and his wife Wendy.
She had a lot of fun playing with Maggie as her little boy, Brandon, is seven years old now. On this side of my dad's family (Susan's grandkids) there are only boys. Mikelle has Justice, Caden and Ty. So, it is a special treat for them to get the chance to play with girls, Maggie, Esme and Baya!
Maggie was having a photogenic day. I love this picture of her
sitting on my lap. It must have been a very overwhelming day for her, meeting so many new people, traveling, and being away from home. She didn't sleep very well that night, and neither did her dad since he started feeling sick as soon as we left, so I had a hard night and then had to do all the driving on the way home. We spent a leisurely morning at Aunt Susan and Terry's house and then left when Maggie feel asleep around noon. She slept until around 2:30 and then was happy to play for a little while. Then, around 4:00 she started to freak out. We stopped and I tried to feed her, but she was much more interested in looking at me and all around then eating. So, we tried to keep going and it didn't work. We had to stop again after listening to her cry for about fifteen minutes. I guess she realized that she had to get down to business and she ate until she feel asleep. We stopped for dinner shortly after that and she woke up while we were in the restaurant. Luckily, after leaving she feel asleep fairly quickly and managed to be happy the rest of the way home! The trip went much more smoothly than I imagined it would, so I can't complain. In fact, I hope we get to visit more with our relatives. It is always so nice.

Maggie was having a photogenic day. I love this picture of her

We are back from our trip to New Jersey, but I'll talk about that in my next entry. First I am going to talk about Maggie's friends. I meant to write this before I left, but didn't get around to it. She has more of a social life than I do. She smiles at everyone and can instanly click with people that I will never know. Here though, I will talk about the friends, in her age range, that she sees on a regular basis. Her friend Alexandria (aka Alex)
is my goddaughter. She is an amazing girl born September '04. She likes to play share, take back, share, take back...... She is a big fan of duckies. The picture posted here is from awhile ago. Alex was being nice and sharing her duckie with Maggie, for about a minute. (Quite a long time for toddlers.) The timeframe that she lets Maggie "borrow" her toys now is a lot less. It's about ten seconds, take it back, giving again for ten seconds over and over. She also has had times when she asks for Maggie to come over and visit. I love Maggie being able to interact with slightly older children. I believe that toddlers and babies can communicate and that older children can teach the younger ones a lot. Nathaniel, my second oldest brother learned to talk early. I think that David, my oldest brother, was teaching him to talk. Nathaniel has
twins that are two and I wish that we could visit them more often, but they live in Rhode Island. With Matt, my husband, only having one day off a week it makes it difficult to see family as often as we would like. Here, the girls are holding Maggie's hands. They certainly have a lot to teach Maggie about the ways of the world. They are very lucky to live near a wonderful park that has a carousel, a zoo, and a whole lot more. It will be so nice when Maggie is able to play with them and her other friends. She also spend a lot of time with her friend Christopher,
son of my friend Katherine. He loves to give Maggie kisses, except when I want him to so that I can take a movie. He is about one month younger than Alex, born in November of '04. He has shown Maggie how to play with a lot of toys and proven to me that the most interesting toy, according to toddlers, is the one that someone else is playing with. Neither he nor Maggie really like to sit long enough to take the "perfect" picture! So, we'll take what we can get.

Friday, June 09, 2006
Well, I figured out how to upload the video of Maggie's first feeding, here is the address:
Thursday, June 08, 2006

Mornings are a special time. I probably shouldn't bring her into bed with me, but it is so nice to lie there with her and lazily start the day. Sometimes she sleeps and I just stare at her. The picture above and to the left I took lying next to her in bed. That was the first picture I took when I decided to do a "day in the life" that I was going to start this blog with. Unfortunately, I left my camera at my friend Faye's house and didn't get to finish out the day.

When we go on long car rides we try to have Maggie fall asleep beforehand, otherwise she is very unhappy with us for making her sit in the carseat. We can sometimes placate her if we sit back there with her, but usually when she's not sleeping she's screaming. It has gotten a little better, but it's still hard. Our trip to New Jersey this weekend should prove interesting. We are leaving around 5 in the morning so that she

By the end of trips, sometimes she wakes up as soon as we pick her up, but sometimes she stays asleep for awhile, recently we went to visit Matt's parents up in Freedom and her she greeted them asleep. We set her up on their couch so that she could sleep comfortably.

One thing that I have discovered,

Wednesday, June 07, 2006
So, I finally tried giving Maggie rice cereal this morning. I have already given her banana, apple and pear. I know, I didn't do things in the "proper" order. Oh well, I guess we're just not proper. I really wanted to post the movie of our first attempt at feeding her. It is hilarious, but I couldn't figure out how to post it. So, if you want to see it ask me about it and I'll send it to you via email as soon as I get upgraded. (Right now I can only send and receive 5MB at a time, but lycos is upgrading everyone to 3GB!) Anyhow, my first attempt at rice cereal was interesting. It took about ten minutes to express the milk (only about half of what the box said to use), then she ate only about half of it in about three minutes. I'm not sure if she likes it or not. She kept trying to grab the cup that I made it in, but she didn't really want to open her mouth after a little while. That is when I figured that she was done. I wonder if the fact that she still sticks out her tongue while eating is a bad sign. I wish that we were born with the knowledge needed to raise children. It would certainly make it easier. I guess that when we got higher intelligence our instincts were taken away. I don't know if that's a fair trade, but I guess I feel blessed that I can remember so much and love so much!
Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Shortly after that, there was unfortunately a tragedy in the family. My grandmother died and so we had to get back on a plane and travel to Maryland. It made me so sad that Maggie was never able to spend any time with my grandmother, she was a wonderful woman. We were able to visit

Also in town at the time was my cousin Jack, Maggie's first cousin once removed. (I looked it up recently to make sure I have the

Then my aunts Susan and Terry came up from New Jersey. So, the other side of the family got to enjoy spending time with her! They especially enjoyed it since all of their grandchildren are boys. All four! This

My brother and sister-in-law Rebecca have been an amazing help to me in making sure that Maggie is taken care of and that I, too, am taken care of. I never knew the mental strain and the totalness involved in starting off an infants life right and they helped me get through that time. Also,

My last, but most certainly not least, subject for this post is my sister-in-law Mary and her family of six! To learn more than I will say here about her family check out her blog. There is also more about our trips to see them. They are Glenn, Mary, Brittany, Madelyn, Grace and Jon. (In the picture is Madelyn, Grace, Jon, Maggie and their friend Abby, practically a member of the family.) We have been to a concert, birthdays, a Pampered Chef party at which Maggie was quite a hit, and recently Madelyn and Grace were able to