We tried to take a nice trip to the park today. The house was getting cramped, Maggie wanted to run around, or at least crawl. I was getting frustrated, she didn't want to stay in my arms and didn't want to be cooped up in the play yard. I figured it was a nice day out, maybe there would be other babies to socalize with, it didn't work out so well. As you can see, I got her all set up with toys galore and figured she would roll around and amuse herself. Unfortunately, my shoes, my magazine, the grass and other non-toys were much more interesting to her than what was laid out for her. Also, the wind was blowing and kept blowing the blanket where it I didn't want it to be. She was just as fussy as she had been at home, guess it was more than just lack of movement bothering her. And, there were no other babies around. There was a young girl playing ball with her dad, I assume, but they didn't come over and say hi. Who knows, maybe I overwhelmed her with too many toys. She's at the I need my mommy right next to me, but I want to move all over the place stage, I guess. Sigh. I'm tired. Hey, but it is now 9:45 and Maggie has been asleep since 8:30ish. Wow. My turn.
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