Maggie's Chronicle

A journal of our day to day life. Updates and anecdotes of Maggie.

Monday, June 26, 2006

This ebay thing has really distracted me from the blog. I'm excited to start getting my products going, but I need to get some sleep and I need to keep up with the rest of my life. So far it doesn't look like buying at yard sales and selling on ebay is going to work too well. I may have made $30 this month for about 100 hours worth of work (rough guesstimate, but probably close to the truth). I could go yard saling and see if I find anything really worth it, but I have been way under charging on the shipping. That makes it hard to make any money. I need a scale. I need to only buy items that will sell for at least twice what I paid for them, and more than $10. Anything less and the fees eat up all the profit. Anywho, this has nothing to do with Maggie... so I'll sign off on this one and start a new post.


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