Well, the glory days of sleeping until eleven are over. (I think.) I know that I wanted her to wake up earlier so that she will hopefully go to sleep earlier at night, but why did she have to choose a day when I am sick and very much wanted to sleep in to be wide awake and raring to go? I tried to get her to eat and fall back to sleep, but she was much more interested in trying to grab the roll of toilet paper I had on hand for blowing my nose. And, of course she's wide awake after a night of waking up at 10:30, 11:30, 1:00, 2:00, finally when she woke up at 3:00 I decided to keep her in bed with me and slept until around 5:30 when, silly me, I tried once again to put her in her crib. I got her back out and she let me sleep from 6:00 to 7:00, now it's all over. I really hope this waking up every hour or two is caused by teething and that it won't be all the time now. I don't think I can take going back to being exhausted constantly again. At least she's happy sitting in her high chair playing with toys and letting me type.... well, now she's crying... gotta go.
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