I definitely jumped the gun on thinking that Maggie was now an early riser. She was up until 8:00 and then we slept until ten. She was up until around noon and now she is still asleep. The picture is from just a minute or so ago. When she was up between... gee, I can't get anything right I just had to go get her, now she's on my lap... 10 and noon she was pretty fussy. I don't know if it was that she's teething, sick, or she was hungry. Probably a combination thereof, I tried breastfeeding and she was on and off, very distractable. So, I tried massaging her gums and giving her things to chew on with a small amount of sucess. I tried feeding her solids with a few minutes of sucess. I tried giving her water in a sippy cup which placated her also for a few minutes. Then, the real screaming set in so I fed her in bed and she feel asleep. I tried to move her to the crib, but she immediately woke up again. She seems ok now, just fidgity, so I'll go and let her play.
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