Maggie's Chronicle

A journal of our day to day life. Updates and anecdotes of Maggie.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Maggie likes peas, yeah! Too bad they aren't really a vegetable. I gave them to her frozen today and that seemed to help with her irritability from teething. It was nice to have some relief from her crying for at least a little while. I got very frustrated today. I feel terrible, but I just wanted some time away, but it doesn't look like that is going to happen any time soon. Twenty minutes seems to be the limit of away time. I would love a "girls night out" without any kids around. Sigh. I love Maggie terribly much, but sometimes you need a break. Wow, this really went off on a tangent from how I started. I guess that is where I am at right now. Hopefully spending the weekend with my parents will be a good change of scenery for us. Maybe I'll even get to take a bath, that would be nice. I guess I'll sign off for now. I have been trying, unsucessfully, to get to sleep. I thought maybe if I wrote a blog entry it would help.


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