Working, while it has been freeing has also been really hard. I tried not coming home on my lunch breaks since Maggie has been doing really well on the formula when I'm not there so all it did was upset her when I left again. Then, a few days ago I realized that I was getting depressed in the afternoons and especially depressed if anyone came in with a small child. I miss her so much. It really feels wrong to me to be away from her for such a large chunk of the day. I get home at 6ish and have two or three hours with her before she goes to sleep, that is just not enough. How do people deal with it? I need more than two days a week with my little girl. I have already mentioned that I feel like I'm missing so much. How does Matt deal with only having one day a week? He works so much. I feel bad moving us farther away from his work. He does leave before we wake up though. That gives him some extra time with her before I get home and that actually seems to be enough for him. I was spoiled for eight months. Now I have to deal with the reality of not having enough time with her. Maybe there is some way to work out a part time deal. Maybe I could find a job at which I work four days and make enough for us to pay our bills. I'm sorry you don't need to listen to me whine. That is where I am at right now though.
I need to get back on the ball and take some pictures. Maggie looks ultra cute with her two top teeth coming in. I am sorry about not being able to make it to visit people more. We really want to make it various places to see everyone.
Everyone who reads this should leave me comments... my mom was saying that she thought only her, Faye and Rebecca read it. Blogs are about interaction. Please leave your comments so we all know what thoughts these entries bring up. Thanks!
I need to get back on the ball and take some pictures. Maggie looks ultra cute with her two top teeth coming in. I am sorry about not being able to make it to visit people more. We really want to make it various places to see everyone.
Everyone who reads this should leave me comments... my mom was saying that she thought only her, Faye and Rebecca read it. Blogs are about interaction. Please leave your comments so we all know what thoughts these entries bring up. Thanks!
At 7:46 AM,
Katherine said…
hey girl,
Its Katherine( the babysitter) you are indeed a strong women, but never forget even when you go to work Maggie is always with you. She , Christopher and I hane fun togeather playing but no one, and I mean no one will ever be able to replace her mom, that is shown when you pick her up at the end of the day she has a reserved smile just for you:)
At 8:28 AM,
Anonymous said…
Working opposite shifts from Matt is always a possibility. That way, you can be with Maggie while he's at work and then, go off to work closer to her bedtime. It works out fairly well for Jeff and me. We don't see one another very often, but we try to make Friday evenings our "date" or "family" time (depending on babysitter status). Just a suggestion.
At 3:14 PM,
Lively Mountain said…
It sounds to me like your family has really blossomed. You are a great momma:)
Demetria- the doula:)
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