I've already turned in the modem, so I can't do blog posts at home now. I am at VitaSource, my mother's store, typing in this entry. I am sure stuff is going to be missing from here as I know I have thought, "I should put that in the blog," more times than I can now think of subjects.
I have now given Maggie wheat. Two days in a row I have feed her shredded wheat. I don't think that she has had an allergic reaction to it unless that is the reason that she was up too many times last night. She went to sleep around 8:30 and she was up at 9, 10:30, 11:30, 12:00 and 12:30 before I decided to give her tylenol in case she was in pain. Then she slept until 3:15ish. Then until almost 5 when I decided to give in and bring her into bed with me (after making Matt try to get her to fall back to sleep without me). Then, I sleep until almost 9 and she slept until about quarter after nine.
I have gotten some more progress made on our new apartment. Yesterday I was able to put some of our clothes away in our closet! We'll need to move some more of the small boxes before we are able to get the furniture in though. I don't know how good of planning it was to bring in the small stuff before brining in the big stuff. I'll have to move the stuff that is just "storage" before anything else since we know exactly where that is going to be going.
I'm scared about getting a job. I'm worried about how Maggie will be, about if she will be able to nap without me there. We have decided that it would be easiest for Maggie to have Katherine bring her to me at work to nurse. Hopefully she'll get the hang of solids more and wean to only nursing morning, evening and night so that we don't have to even worry about it soon. Right now though she has to nurse before even falling asleep for a nap, unless she's in the car. I want to stay with her, but we are at the end of the rope. She won't take a bottle, I can't even pump (nothing want to come out, only for her); I guess we could try to give her formula out of a cup while I'm working, but I don't know..... ugh.
So many changes in such a small amount of time. I hope that Maggie can handle it. She'll be getting her own room, in a new house, and I'll be going back to work. Sigh. It's a lot to handle all at once. My stress level is pretty high. Just writing about this is bringing up my heart rate. I think I'm also worried about working after not working for so long. I think that I'll do well, but I'm still worried. We shall see, we shall see.
This will probably be the last entry before I am typing away in my new apartment, so.... talk to you soon!
I have now given Maggie wheat. Two days in a row I have feed her shredded wheat. I don't think that she has had an allergic reaction to it unless that is the reason that she was up too many times last night. She went to sleep around 8:30 and she was up at 9, 10:30, 11:30, 12:00 and 12:30 before I decided to give her tylenol in case she was in pain. Then she slept until 3:15ish. Then until almost 5 when I decided to give in and bring her into bed with me (after making Matt try to get her to fall back to sleep without me). Then, I sleep until almost 9 and she slept until about quarter after nine.
I have gotten some more progress made on our new apartment. Yesterday I was able to put some of our clothes away in our closet! We'll need to move some more of the small boxes before we are able to get the furniture in though. I don't know how good of planning it was to bring in the small stuff before brining in the big stuff. I'll have to move the stuff that is just "storage" before anything else since we know exactly where that is going to be going.
I'm scared about getting a job. I'm worried about how Maggie will be, about if she will be able to nap without me there. We have decided that it would be easiest for Maggie to have Katherine bring her to me at work to nurse. Hopefully she'll get the hang of solids more and wean to only nursing morning, evening and night so that we don't have to even worry about it soon. Right now though she has to nurse before even falling asleep for a nap, unless she's in the car. I want to stay with her, but we are at the end of the rope. She won't take a bottle, I can't even pump (nothing want to come out, only for her); I guess we could try to give her formula out of a cup while I'm working, but I don't know..... ugh.
So many changes in such a small amount of time. I hope that Maggie can handle it. She'll be getting her own room, in a new house, and I'll be going back to work. Sigh. It's a lot to handle all at once. My stress level is pretty high. Just writing about this is bringing up my heart rate. I think I'm also worried about working after not working for so long. I think that I'll do well, but I'm still worried. We shall see, we shall see.
This will probably be the last entry before I am typing away in my new apartment, so.... talk to you soon!
At 11:08 PM,
Faye-Merrill said…
When you wrote this post you were in the middle of a very tough time. I hope when you read this comment, you'll be unpacked, re-modemed, and back to the blog.
At 9:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
I'm sure everyone will be okay in the long run.
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